We live in a beautiful place … lots of wildlife…. trees… State Park with a 700 foot waterfall just up the road… so in addition to the locals we have thousands of visitors each month that come to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. And the vast majority of the local people and the tourists who visit this area really appreciate the environment. This vast majority leaves no trace of their visit. They are renewed by nature and in return, this vast majority are effective stewards of Mother Earth – the environment.
But there are those folks – you know – them – they – infamous for saying and doing the wrong thing to the dismay of the rest of us. They come here to take pictures and video ….posing on.. in front of… or beside particularly spectacular sites.
So what are they thinking as they toss their fast food bag out the window of their car? Or take a walk on one of the trails thru the woods and decide – this would be a good place to change the baby’s diaper – and just leave it on the side of the trail !!! Maybe they are thinking, “it’s just one water bottle.. one beer can”. Someone will pick it up”
Someone does pick up the trash they toss away. We pick up the litter on the highways and the trails. It’s NOT an enjoyable way to spend the day-but it is rewarding.
Bears and other wildlife are attracted to the roads and trails by the smell of our trash. Some of them end up losing their lives investigating that milk shake cup. We pick up the trash to help protect the wildlife.
When trash is left on the mountain trails or on the sides of the roads – it can be disasturous for our water supplies downstream. That trash runs into the streams, creeks and rivers that are the source of our drinking water !! We pick up the trash to help protect our water.
Sometimes you have to just get out of that ‘it’s not my job.. I didn’t create the problem.. why should I clean up someone else’s mess” kind of attitude. It is not our fault there is trash on the roads and trails or in our neighborhoods. It is probably not our responsibility to clean it up. But as a wise Elder once said to me when I was complaining about doing some difficult work to fix a mess I did not create “IF not you – then who will do it”
They will always be among us. It’s up to each of us to decide who we are and what we are willing to do to make a difference. What are you doing for Mother Earth?
Send a comment – along with a picture if you have one – we love to share inspiration – vette